
Thursday Doors, December 10

Today three flowery doors. The last was taken on my birthday in May. The house number shows my aspired age. Grazie dei fior.

Photo: MM

For Norm Frampton’s Thursday Doors challenge.

Thursday Doors, November 26

I remembered that I’d been shooting doors even before I learnt about Norm’s Thursday Doors. Here are some of those.

One of the first trips we did upon my arrival to Tuscany was to Tuscania, before we got our bestia. I think somebody just woke up.

And here are a few more doors, the last two from other occasions. And in the last the bestia is already visible.

Photo: MM

For Norm Frampton’s Thursday Doors challenge.

WPC: Be careful, or…

Be careful, or your city will get ducked…

Koper, Slovenia

…or turtled.

Roma, Villa Pamphili

Be careful when you have to change tyres before Most na Soči in Slovenia.
Be careful, or I’ll grow into a bestia.
Be careful, Chuck! (Or: Told you so!)
Be careful that you don’t grab my ice-cream by mistake late at night.
Be careful when you say “Pridi kaj” (Do come over) to your uncle.
Be careful when you serve him the wrong beer.
Be careful, or your mom will sing.
Be careful: this unicorn is mine.


Be careful, or the devil will shoot. Photo: MeMa (that’s you, mom!)

Il giardino di tarocchi, Niki de Saint Phalle

Be careful – just be careful.

Photo: MM (except The Devil by MeMa)

In response to The Daily Post’s weekly photo challenge: “Careful.”

SL-WEEK 8: Art on the Road

Not that there are no arty roadside attractions in Italy but for this challenge let me artify a little myself for a change, even though I’ll let nature do most of her work. Lazy-ass photographer. Most of the time driving around my new home feels like a gallery drive-through anyway. The roads are Capalbio-Tuscania-Bomarzo and Capalbio-Piombino. Big screen is where you find it.

Photo: MM

For Sylvain Landry’s SL-WEEK 8: On the Road challenge

Thursday doors, June 25

And here comes Thursday again and again I can’t stick to just one door. Bad bad bad! But I reckon that if I take my time to build a post, I better put at least three photos in! At least these are all from the same place, Tuscania, which is not even in Tuscany but in Lazio. Benvenuti!

Photo: MM

For Norm Frampton’s Thursday Doors challenge.

Holiday check-in by runaway uncle

Greetings all the way to Slovenia on her Statehood Day from the runaway uncle who only reads my blog when he is in it because it’s in English and it’s “too complicated”, says he who speaks Turkish, Arabic, Kurdish and who knows what else.

As you can see, he is suffering greatly and daily.

He needs to drive through ugly countryside…

…to hideous locations, for example Piombino below:

He needs to walk the bestia in terrible conditions.

He needs to eat asparagi con burro e parmigiano.

And he needs to drink the green ones that concern him a little.

Whereas red ones don’t at all.

Photo: MM

And here is a topical tune by Slovenian Americans or American Slovenians with the greatest lie in a title: because pivo is. And I don’t even have to translate a thing.

The Vadnals: No beer today

We were driving through Ljubljana on a Sunday afternoon

all we had left was a dinar (old Yugoslav currency)

we stopped at a gostilna to have a little pivo

and then we heard the bartender holler:

No pivo today, no pivo today

you can’t buy pivo on Sunday.

No pivo today, no pivo today

you gotta come around on Monday.