WPC: Ch-ch-changes

What to say but that I used to be so afraid of change and yet have since changed city, country, language, sea, climate, amore, dog, state of my fingernails, glasseslessness, tomatolessness. Only the smile remains.

First, a symbol of change as I knew it: a tree. I used to have four photos of the same tree in four seasons on my wall. They were distinctly distinct. All I can muster now in this climate is this:

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Here is an example of a more drastic change, the new and old school in Završje, in Croatian Istria. (ADD-IT: Newly refurbished, I should say.) To the second image a grateful hand has added: “Compliments for the air-conditioning!!!”

Then we have a case of a card tournament changing from municipal to international when the Italian flag is added.

Houses grow.

Dog follows dog.

Dogs grow.

Everything changes, only the smiles remain. One for each year together.

Photo: MM (except New Year in Piran by a friendly soul)

In response to The Daily Post’s weekly photo challenge: “Change.”


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