I am not responsible

This is what my phone wishes you to know.

I wrote this by starting with love and kept clicking the middle option among the three word suggestions given by my phone. When the loop began, I continued by clicking always the suggestion on the right. And then the one on the left.

I didn’t google to see if there are already pages and pages of this kind of “poetry”. But for a lazy poet it’s almost ideal.

This is practically unedited, I only put it in verse format to annoy those who say they don’t like poetry. The phone chose where sentences shall end and did its own punctuation.

What I find so mind-boggling is that I don’t deal in advertising and these words are not my regular words (except about resetting the modem, yep, we’re doing that a lot). And what about being a new one?

Do yourselves a favour. Advertise in the UK. And do your own, this is nuts!

Love, by Samsung Galaxy Note Trend Plus

you too.

the Google Team To
in this email address.

Please note
that the information you need
to be a good idea
to advertise the UK.

I have been feeling
a bit of a new one. Wow.

You can also be used
to be a good idea
to advertise the UK.

I have been feeling
a bit of a new one. Wow.

You can also be used
to be a good idea
to advertise the UK.

I think I am looking
to buy the ticket.

Please wait.

This email has to do with a bit.

It has an amazing day
and the Three main thing I want you.

You are not responsible.

This email has to do with a bit.

I’m sure you have any queries
you’ll find it difficult for me
to reset the modem
or a person is unauthorised
and strictly for you
to be honest.

I’m sure you have any queries,
you’ll find it difficult for me
to reset the modem
or a person is unauthorised
and strictly email us.

I am not a good day,
but the most important things.

The only thing I can get
the most important things.

Photo: a © signature mmm production
Location: Mò Mò Republic restaurant, Monteverde, Roma


  1. Kaj šele nastane, če ti to prevede Google:

    Ljubezen, Samsung Galaxy Opomba Trend Plus

    ti tudi.

    Še vedno
    Googlova skupina za
    v tem e-poštnem naslovu.

    Prosimo, upoštevajte
    informacije, ki jih potrebujete
    dobra ideja
    oglaševati Združeno kraljestvo.

    Čutil sem se
    malo novega. Vau.

    Uporabite ga lahko tudi
    dobra ideja
    oglaševati Združeno kraljestvo.

    Čutil sem se
    malo novega. Vau.

    Uporabite ga lahko tudi
    dobra ideja
    oglaševati Združeno kraljestvo.

    Mislim, da iščem
    za nakup vozovnice.

    Prosim počakaj.

    To e-poštno sporočilo je povezano z nekaj.

    Ima čudovit dan
    in tri glavne stvari, ki jih želim.

    Nisi odgovoren.

    To e-poštno sporočilo je povezano z nekaj.

    Prepričan sem, da imate vprašanja
    meni bo težko
    za ponastavitev modema
    ali je oseba nepooblaščena
    in strogo za vas
    če sem iskren.

    Prepričan sem, da imate poizvedbe,
    meni bo težko
    za ponastavitev modema
    ali je oseba nepooblaščena
    in strogo nam pošljite e-pošto.

    Nisem dober dan,
    ampak najpomembnejše stvari.

    Edina stvar, ki jo lahko dobim
    najpomembnejše stvari.

    Liked by 1 person

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