For those about to read

You will never know how much I salute you. There is so much of us out there and so few of anybody who cares.

This is a round-up post, the first of its kind, and since it’s the first it will round up my entire blog from when I started it at the end of March 2014. However, it will only cover my writings. They have one thing in common – everything I write about really happened.

The reason for doing this is that lately I’ve had people actually reading me, which has me all giddy. Especially I would like to thank The Snow (Luckily) Melts Somewhere (Else), as she recently read the very first thing I put up here, a not at all happy tale of an escaped lynx, and made me think that maybe people would actually like to read some of that.

All my life I have been struggling with choosing what to do for money. I have had jobs as a journalist, editor, proofreader, but most of my money I’ve earned with translations.

  1. If you click on Everything button in the head of my blog, the first thing you see is MM – writer. So this is what I’d most like to be. Some would say that a journalist is a writer, which might be true but not for the kind of journalist I was. I wonder if Faculty of Journalism in Ljubljana still kills every budding writer with the who-what-where-when-why-how rule.
  2. MM – photographer is next in that Everything column. I’d never thought of selling my photographs before but now I do, even though it might be a bit tricky to commence (especially since all I’ve got is enthusiasm, an eye, some say, and lots of photos).
  3. The last section is MM – translator with my translations which have not been done for money but for pleasure – actually the authors have no idea these exist, unless they google themselves regularly.

Write then. That I do. (Not selling that either, though. Something tells me that there might be a pattern.) And before I choose what kind of book I’ll write – which has obviously been the main obstacle to why I haven’t written one yet – I have been writing on this blog. Let’s look at this a bit closer.

There have been lots of birthday stories for friends and family members and they will keep coming but I won’t focus on them here. There have been some photo essays with accompanying words. But today I wish to focus on the written word as such.

When I write, I don’t make a selection of subject matter beforehand. It’s basically a recorded thought process, usually spurred by something I’ve read or a powerful thought that sneaks in. I never really know where I’ll end up and that’s what makes it so interesting even to myself.

For starters, here is one of my favourites: All my oases

There is no better story I know than the one of our amore:

This one is not so much about words as it is about images and what love does to you if you let it.

Some things in Italy are not directly about love, such as:

Several writings bring back memories of the good old days:

My preference in books, music, sports can be gathered from these:

Here are my experiences and opinions on some burning issues, such as:

Then there are little stories, 100word drabbles, and snippets of conversation.

And to conclude, two rare poems that I wrote a long time ago, in Duba by the sea:

I’m not saying that I expect anybody to go through all these.
It would be madness.
Okay, this is for the organised and the mad ones then. Buon appetito!

≈ Manja Maksimovič ≈

Images: Tuscany/Lazio border on a cloudy day. Photo: MM


  1. Well, I’m both mad and organized so I’ll probably be going through more of your older posts every now and then 😀 (I love reading blogs on weekend mornings while slowly drinking my coffee) …I really like your writing style, the adjectives that come to mind are original and quirky – and that’s a compliment! I’ve done translating too but it’s really not a way to make a living with the taxes over here (I’m Finnish btw, though I don’t really mention that in my blog!)… otherwise I’d really love to translate. Anyway, I’m a very happy reader of your blog and thanks for linking me here! Ciao bella!

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    1. Yeah!! Knew it! 🙂 (Not the Finnish part.) Thank you for the compliments and always welcome. And I’ll see to it that I keep it coming. (Including me coming over to your place more thoroughly – as soon as I collect myself a bit, all over the place these days.)

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  2. First thing professional writers say to someone who says they want to be a writer is this: “you can’t make any money writing.” Somebody does. So why not us? I think you just have to keep on keepin’ on, do your thing, become on the outside the writer you are on the inside??

    Liked by 1 person

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