

I have zero benefits for promoting them or attachments with this establishment located in Kranj, Slovenia, it’s just all so very cute. It sounds like all those commercials which we used to make in our heads but never followed through. These guys did and all power to them. The photo is taken from a deviantart site, and it seems the photographer mistook the shop – which sells skateboarding and skiboarding stuff – for a sex shop. I wonder how many times this happens and if the sellers have fun with it. It also needs to be said that I first noticed this shop on this excellent blog by a fan of Slovenia with many great photos.


  1. Haha, I totally thought it is a real bordel :DDD I wasn’t even shocked because I spent two years living in the middle of The Hague red light district, so it was a familiar sign :o) So it is a sport shop actually, very funny :DD


  2. hih ada, it’s not a shocking site for us either, we do have sex shops lying around, but it’s funny to me how they played with that making the logo and how the board is barely visible… i bet they get strange looks from some customers after they enter


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